McDonalds Seeds

Oribi Dry Bean Seed

Oribi Dry Sugar Bean Seed

Oribi Dry Bean Seed has been developed as an easy to harvest sugar bean with a shorter maturity period than Ukulinga.

The upright bush growth habit makes this high yielding variety easy to harvest.

Outstanding qualities

• Suitable for combine harvesting
• High yield potential
• Excellent disease resistance
• Upright , bush growth habit
• Large seed size


Seed typeSugar beans
Maturity110 days
Yield potentialHigh
Growth habitTall upright bush, with pods high off the ground
LodgingResistant to lodging
ShatteringResistant to shattering
HarvestingEasy to harvest; suitable for combine mechanically
Seed qualityLarge % first grade
Seed sizeAround 52 g per 100 seed
Seed rateApproximately 75-80 kg per ha
Seed ShapeFlat kidney
Fungal diseasesGood resistance to rust and angular leaf spot
Viral resistanceResistant to bean common mosaic virus
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